2023 Adult FLASHLIGHT Ornament hunt (18+)

2023 Adult Ornament Hunt (18+)
(*Add On)
Saturday nights: 6:15pm Entry – Hunt begins at 7pm. Raffle drawing starts at 8:05pm
December 16th 2023
December 23rd 2023
Ever been to an Adult easter egg hunt? Well picture that only instead of hunting candy filled eggs you’re on the lookout for Christmas ornaments.
What happens when you find the right ornament??? Expect prizes, large and small! This hunt will be hosted at night when the rest of the farm is closed. (21+). Food & Alcohol will be available.

Q: I’m an annual pass holder, do I have to purchase a ticket for the adult ornament hunt?
A: Yes, our adult ornament hunts are an add on so they’re not included with the annual pass to the farm.
Q: Does the ornament hunt ticket include admission to the farm?
A: No, the ticket is only for the hunt alone. (GA tickets sold separately)
Q: What if I have purchased a ticket and the farm has to close due to the weather?
A: Your ticket will be valid for a different hunt on another scheduled date/time.
Q: What is an adult ornament hunt?
A: Picture the exact same logic as an adult easter egg hunt, however instead of easter eggs with candy inside they are plastic ornaments with numbers written on them for our prize raffle.
Q: Should I bring a bucket, basket, pillowcase for the adult ornament hunt?
A: Yes. We will have some extra buckets if you forget yours. (Limited)
Q: Do I have to pay admission if we are only participating in the adult ornament hunt?
A: No, if you only want to participate in the hunt, you do not have to pay for general admission to the farm.
Q: Do I have to show up before the adult ornament hunt?
A: Yes, we suggest you show up 15 minutes before the hunt begins.